Monday, 9 March 2015

Iron Forest Club Day 08/03/15: Damn! Their Armour is Good!

Yesterday I finally managed to get my first game of Beyond the Gates of Antares. It was my Algoryn 45th Blood Moons vs Faction Ray's Concord 9th Cosmo Rangers.

In a slightly different approach, Faction Ray will report this battle - if you go to the following link - He has made a detailed report and a narrative report on the game, both excellent reads.

Here is my narrative prelude to the battle...

"Oreshi-san carefully trod upon the ashen earth as he stalked his way through the alley way between the two abandoned hab huts. He was here for the old tech, a fifth age battle golem but now Concord had arrived. He could see them positioning themselves upon the rooftop of the far perimeter of the settlement north of his position, it would be only a matter of moments before they would spot his Blood Moons. He took a quick taste of the air through his natural keratin layer that protected him from this worlds harsh heat, the air was dryer than Algor, gritty and rich-less, he honked it through his nose to his mouth and spat it back out in disgust. He tapped into his comm. "Biting Wind..." the call sign for this light support team "Cast these little birds to the hills"...

By this one game, I am very impressed with the Antares rule set. I was sceptical about this game as while I am a big fan of Bolt Action, the thought of adding a stat line to the game felt as it would just slow things down - not the case at all. Everything you know and love from Bolt Action is there plus great little details in how armour works (Concord troops armour gets better with distance) and drone spotting (They can network with each other like when in range and provide spotting for Mortars and such).

Now am off to give the rulebook another read through and see about giving those damn ranger some payback :P

Thanks for your time - cya soon ;)

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