Thursday, 29 January 2015

Mordhiem - The Forgotten Gem

In this day and age of the hobby, with a healthy every growing industry that churns out hundreds of new products monthly and a wealth of great publications; printed and online keeping us up to speed of there release - it can be hard for us hobbyists to resist being swept up by playing and owning "the latest thing" - I for one am totally guilty of this...

My brother in law; Jason is a keen wargamer like myself but unlike me, if he is happy with a rule set, he stays with it (like the old saying "If it ain't broke...") - preferring Warhammer 5th Edition to the current and Mordhiem being one of his most favourite. Now for the past couple of months Jason has being running a Mordhiem campaign at the Iron Forest gaming club for the rest of us who have either never played it or mostly forgotten its existence.

Sir Rodric on Paretorian
For those who are unaware of it, Mordhiem is a skirmish fantasy game written by Alessio Cavatore, Tuomas Pirinen and Rick Priestly for Games Workshop back in 1999, as a skirmish set in a damned city full of grim dark nastiness. Like Necromunda that came before, it boasted a rather good and detailed campaign system for charting your warbands growth from lowly band of mercs to a bunch of god damn heroes :P . Sadly GW has long stopped supporting Mordhiem but luckily you can pick up the rules easy enough other via ebay or on pdf for free here.

Also there is a wealth of extra unofficial material - this site being some of my favourite.

Sir Tristan - a Knight Errant and latest Recruit
Now I can vaguely remember playing Mordhiem at a long since retired club a good decade and a half ago and was thoroughly unimpressed with the game. Now I can't remember why but that impression stuck with me ever since and when Jason proposed the campaign I have to admit I was completely thrilled but wargaming is a social hobby and when all your mates do something, best to support them.

My only surviving monk - how he keeps going I do not know!
I think Jason sensed my reluctance and as we was packing away after a club night he offered me a quick demo game. I wont go into the details of the game but it was me playing Bretonnians vs Jasons mercenaries and it was an absolute blast! Jason had such a good knowledge of the rules at he implemented all the advanced rules without slowing the game down - with epic sword fights with parrying and critical hits - the game felt like the brutal clashes you see in Game of Thrones. How I ever disliked this game I never know!

Leader of my Longbowmen group - he will be a hero one day!
Now flash forward to the present and Iron Forest's fist Mordhiem campaign is coming to the close and I can safely say - I am not doing great :P. My Bretonnian warband led by Sir Rodric has had a very rocky journey and after two brutal defeats have lost a lot of men! But Rodric has all but one game come out unscathed and bagged a few kills in the process so is one tough mofo on the battlefield. Even if I don't win this campaign, its been such a laugh and Jason has promised a "Season 2" for our warbands so who knows Rodric's success in the future.

My Veterna Longbowmen - with 30" range and BS5 - they are rightly feared!
Also Jason wants to use Mordhiem for games set in other themes - first off a campaign set in the War of the Roses. Now this is where Mordhiem shines, because its based on the core GW rules system that we all know and love, its surprisingly very versatile to tinker with. At Iron Forest we have discussed using this system for Games of Thrones, Middle Earth, War of the Roses, Italian Wars, Dark Ages and even Napoleonics!

My levy - sadly only the chap on the far right remains
So if your thinking of doing a skirmish campaign with black powder tech or backwards, or maybe starting a new historical period and want to get gaming as soon as possible - I highly recommend Mordhiem.

The figures I have used in Jason's campaign
The pictures throughout are my mordhiem warband - painted originally for playtesting my wargames system "Sai'lum" which I will discuss in more detail soon. he pictures below are the beginnings of my next warband - Reikland mercenaries :)

Thanks for your time - cya soon ;)

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Production Line: Heresy Era Night Lords

As mentioned in earlier posts, I have a bit of a soft spot for the Horus Heresy. Despite my love/hate relationship with 40k which yo-yo'ed more than Maradona's waistline,  my fondness for the Age of Darkness has been my anchor into all things grim dark.

My first Heresy Era army is my Death Guard (couple of pics in this post), made mainly from Rogue Trader era figures, this was due to severe lack of funds and a eagerness to be involved in the legendary TemplarCrusade01 Great Crsuade campaign (If  unaware of it, get on search for it on youtube - hours upon hours of epicness!). Sadly, due to lack of opponents and never having the time off work to travel to the big meet ups, I had to pull out and so the Death Guard have been packed away - only once in a blue moon do they resurface and usually then I have to play Loyalist... boo!!!

Anyway back to the present, with a Third War of Armageddon Campaign about to begin at Iron Forest (Will go into more detail in future posts) and our armies amassed and painted, a couple of us was already looking all misty eyed at the next endeavour - The Horus Heresy.

Now this should of been a pretty easy and inexpensive project, I already had an army - probably only needing to add a couple of new units here and there. But that contagious enthusiasm of planning a new army had bitten - no longer was i content on dusting off Mortarion and his crew and a few clicks of a mouse later i was plotting my new force... traitor of course :P

The Army thus far...
So why Night Lords? Well quite a few reasons really....

1) They look badass - skulls and lightening bolts? Hell Yeah!
2) Because of the lightening, scares a few people away with the daunting prospect of all that free hand work - so they are not a common sight on the tabletop - which appeals to me.
3) So far in the Horus Heresy novel series, they are hardly mentioned, this mysterious nature also appeals to me.
4) I love armies in 40k that have a multiple deployment options: Deep Strike, infiltrate, Outflank.
5) I have this dream army which comes onto the board entirely in dropships - Night Lords suit this perfectly.

Elements of a Terror Squad
So with a plan formed - I began to get to work. Now I started in October 2014 and with Christmas looming with a nearly 2 year old son i knew i was not going to have the funds straight away. So I dug into my gaming shed and set to work in kitbashing some core units. The first was a Terror Squad; made from a second hand parts I had traded with a friend, Chaos Space Marine Raptors and spare back packs from Anvil Industrys that I had used from a Iron Warriors project.

Elements of a Tactical Squad
Next up is a standard tactical squad. These were kitbashed from a normal 40k tactical squad kit with the imperial heraldry filed off. Than adding some bits from Blood Angels/ Dark Angels and Black Templar sprues - with a few more traded heresy bitz thrown in for good measure. All in all paid just udner £30 for this 10 man unit - not bad if I do say :P

This one is a bit of a "for the fluff" unit. Its an out of production kit from Ground Zero Games (But I have been told Daemonscape have since bought the moulds) that is proxying as a Grav Attack; a old Rogue Trader vehicle that has never had a official model - Using the home-grown rules created for the Great Crusade campaign, i added smoke and havoc launchers that I had lying around - also added bits of lascannon as engine detailing to make it fit the 40k aesthetic better.

Cataphracti Terminators

Now the following stuff were gifts for Christmas from my family and friends. First up are some Cataphracti Terminators - nothing custom just straight from the pack.

and lastly are some assault legionaries - again nothing fancy - some of them have upgrades from the special weapon upgrade pack...

So there you have it - that is where I am up to at the moment. I have still got more to paint - 15x Assault Marines, a Deathstorm Drop Pod and Konrad himself - will post when I have made more progress.

Thanks for your time - cya soon :)

Monday, 26 January 2015

Iron Forest Club Day 25/01/15 - Victory From the Hands of Defeat!

Most days at Iron Forest  are a bit of a mixed bag; with punishing victories, near defeats, new hobby discoveries and the general "ooing" and "aaahing"over our comrades latest works being pretty much commonplace from one day to the next but today was one of those days that felt like it was some episode of a sitcom or drama with this themed undertone the whole way through...

So lets start at the beginning, after catching a handful of sleep from returning from a night shift, I make my way through a chilly January day to IFG. After general greetings and weekly catching up over a Pepsojsh* (that's pepsi in the common tongue) I was kindly offered a demo game of Dreadball Xtreme (which i recently acquired on my birthday) by Faction Ray, our resident rules guru. After a quick set up, I chose to use the Convict team while Ray used the Asterian Kalyshi (Someone's been watching there Game of Thrones) and after a quick explanation of mechanics the game begun.

NOTE: I have a terribly memory so these After Action Reports literally only cover a jist of the true events 

Pre Match Shot
I had already had a trial game of standard Dreadball and was pleasantly surprised that no major changes to the core rules had been made which in turn made stepping into Xtreme very painless. After a early score from Ray I decided to turn on the offensive, grabbing the ball my Striker tore off ahead towards the opposing far right strike zone - but I forgot that the mid section was bristling with explosive crates which led to my guy being hurtled to the floor. 

Its Clobbering Time!
After that disaster I then decided to deal a lil punishment to the Kalyshi Striker that scored - using my Thug I slammed into the Striker and putting her permanently out of action. 

The game continued with the Kalyshi skilfully manoeuvring score after score while the Convicts kept up the brutality while managing to score a couple to keep themselves in the game. This was framed by more explosions - Riot foam trapping my robot and a sneaky Kalyshi firing a concealed dart gun at my Thug!

Defo not a gentlemen's game!

Than something nothing short of a miracle happened. I don't know if it was the caffeine kicking in or the excellent tutelage of Faction Ray - I began to think! 

Using ability cards, my jacks and strikers - I managed to pass and position a 3 point shot - putting me in the lead! With the end in sight I remained defence and managed to scrape a victory. I found Dreadball Xtreme is a incredibly fun game (when winning or most of my team being blown up by crates), it reminds me of some of the brutal craziness of Gorkamorka and is defo worth a go.

After a round of burgers and bacon sandwiches, next up was our first games of Bolt Action. I had recently been gifted the D-Day Firefight Box Set for my birthday and had quickly built enough figures to play the first two scenarios from the booklet. 

The first game was a pure learning experience - with me acting as Umpire, Faction Ray as the US and Jason playing Germans. We grasped the rules very VERY quickly, the book is brilliantly structured and clearly written and after two turns we got the 90% down. The game progressed with a heavy assault from the US who met a disciplined wall of fire from the Germans that ended with a Assault of six US vs 3 Germans who held a ruined cottage and managed to fend off the entire unit - we didn't see that coming!!!

I must say that I absolutely LOVE this game, it plays so fast and cleanly and can imagine it can handle games of a substantial size. Needless to say I am hooked and as soon as I get the box set painted and planning to get a lot more reinforcements. So impressed was we that we decided to play again but this time the rest of the club, who noticed the amount of fun we where having decided to join in too. So playing Scenario 2 from the Firefight booklet, and each club member controlling a single unit - we decided to go again...

Now this game was a absolute riot! It began with the US (controlled by Faction Ray and Jon Snow) gaining a early foothold making the German advance (controlled by Jason and Phil) very painful. But with grit and determination the Germans managed to turn the odds and unleash a punishing amount of fire, heavily pinning down the US infantry sections. With victory in sight they turned there attention to the remaining sniper team situated in a rocky outcrop, deep in the US deployment zone. Now what happened next was nothing short of hilarious. The sniper managed to place a few good pinning shots into both German units and after some shockingly bad order tests from Phil and Jason, managed to steal victory and rout both units!

With the evening creeping in, many IFGers said there fair wells while myself, Jason and Tony decided to hang around and squeeze in a game of Mordhiem.

Rodric and his men - taken from a earlier game
For about over a month now, Jason has been running an absolutely epic Mordhiem campaign, with his inclusion of random events - from wild monsters, evil lurking within terrain and harmful weather conditions - we have had endless laughs as our warbands fight for survival. In the campaign I am using Bretonnians - the Warband of Sir Rodric (pronounced Wodwic) and have had mixed success throughout but at the moment am in a pretty bad place after a punishing game against Alex's High Elves. 

Call me Short Will Ya!
Today's game was against Tony's Dwarven Miners and was playing a straight up skirmish scenario with Jason as Umpired and rules moderator. Tony, like me, hasn't had the best of luck so far but with my uber hard Questing Knight I was confident that I could outmanoeuvre the stunties and snatch up a quick victory while bagging a load of experience for Rodric. The game began in good favour for me. My longbowmen took up good position in a meadow and began hurtling arrows down onto his crossbowmen who took position in a ruined bell tower while Rodric stormed ahead and managed to bag a early kill - things where looking great until....

Get Off My Land!!!
A bloody Chaos Warrior emerged from a ruined cottage, probably miffed that the battle outside was ruining his episode of Corrie... who knows but he managed to emerge and start hacking my poor longbowmen to pieces who after 4 games had yet to ever be harmed! While that was bad enough Rodric's assault had managed to slow down to a pace that even a crippled snail would find tiresome. With more and more bodies dropping and a single one of my beloved longbowmen left standing, I decided to turn tail and runaway!

So there you have it - while other games where been played around the above mentioned throughout - all I played/ witnessed seemed to share a distinctive surprising outcome, with almost sure defeat turning into a victory!

I think we all sometimes need to remember that these games can surprise us all and that victory is only determined after the game has concluded.


Thanks for your time, cya soon ;) 

*Copyright Bianca Mallick

Rules Tinkering: Deadzone to Horus Heresy

Deadzone is a sci fi skirmish/board game by Mantic Games and I admit that I have been aware of its existence since its Kickstarter but have only recently decided to take the plunge. Mainly due to the news of the next edition of Warpath (kickstarter due late 2015) and its return to its mass battles roots of its alpha/beta and 1st Edition.

You see, ever since I have clapped eyes on their Enforcer range - I have been trying my hardest to find a excuse to start an army of these. With Deadzone I get the instant gratification of only needing a handful of Enforcers to get going and can "slow burn" a larger force while enjoying the skirmish action. Also I discovered it only needed a 2x2ft playing surface and generally games only lasting an hour - perfect for gaming days at Iron Forest :) .

Getting to grips with the rules
Now after a few trial games (with a lil help from my girlfriend) I can say that I am generally impressed with the game. It plays fast and fluidly - The option of aimed firing (At a model) or blazing away in suppressive fire (At the square they inhabit) is genius and the inclusion of "instant" card abilities keeps the game unpredictable and fun where the odds can change very rapidly. So if your reading this and are considering Deadzone - I highly recommend it.

Enforcers take aim at a charging Stage 2a

But this isn't a review - as the title reads - I like to tinker/mod rule systems. Why learn another new system if one your comfortable with can be taxed into service? While I been playing/learning Deadzone, I have discovered that this system is a bit of a hidden gem and can be easily and quickly tinkered to fit all manner of themes/periods.

Horus Heresy

Since this blog is new - let it be known i am a HUGE fan of the Horus Heresy, but as much as I love all things 30k, my bank account doesn't...

Now instead of having to patiently buy units in expensive blocks of 5 but unable to use them till they become 10 and then still unable to use them till you have another 3+ blocks of 10 and then wait till your similarly poor friend to yourself tries to do likewise - why not have a bit of instant skirmish action! With just one of those premium blocks of 5!

Pre Heresy Death Guard by Myself
Now I am sure I am stating the obvious when I say there is a more than slight resemblance to Enforcers and Space Marines - but lets nor sneer, instead lets be delighted that Mantic have made our work a lot easier for us. Here is a rough quick conversion

  • Enforcer - Space Marine w/ Boltgun
  • Assault Enforcer - Assault Space Marine w/ Boltgun and chain weapon
  • Enforcer Defender - Breacher Space Marine w/ Boltgun
  • Enforcer Medic - Apothecary
  • Enforcer w/ Fusion Gun - Space Marine w/ Plasma Gun
  • Enforcer w/ Thermal Rifle - Space Marine w/ Melagun
  • Enforcer Sniper - Recon Marine
  • Pathfinder - Scout Armour Sniper
  • Peacekeepers - Terminators
  • Recon Drone - Servo Skulls
Converted Nathanial Garro

Now with a bit more tinkering (which I will share in future posts) we could easily make the stats fit marines more closely - maybe lose Jump Packs (except for assault marines) and change for Tough? To represent the post human nature of a marine while a Enforcer is a mere mortal in a awesome suit? 

Maybe add force wide traits to capture the feel of each legion? Like World Eaters gaining Rampage or Alpha Legion officers getting Own Agenda? 

As you can see Deadzone can easily be played about with to suit your own needs - In the future I will be posting my take on Heresy era statistic and rules mods (as well as other sci-fi/ historical themes) - If you have an ideas or thoughts please feel free to share - nothing better than bouncing ideas :)

Thanks for your time - cya soon ;)

Thursday, 22 January 2015


Hi, thank you very much for giving the humble beginnings of my hobby blog a gander - my name is Adam Isherwood - am from South East Essex in the UK. Been a hobbyist since the tender age of 8 from a deadly introduction game of Necromunda and 20+ years later have never looked back since.

Other than being a die hard gamer, I also have published my own rule set (Shattered Verse) and have helped create material for others (Forges of War, FUBAR, GROM) and have play-tested for countless others. My latest projects are my soon to be 2 year old gaming club - Iron Forest Games and am currently working on a silhouette rules system for my own fantasy and sci-fi settings and grappling the daunting task of being a father for the first time! :P

With this blog I hope to share my latest hobby output; from miniatures, to conversions and terrain as well as ramblings on running a growing gaming club and writing rule sets as well as my thoughts and opinions on the latest going ons in the hobby community/industry.

So thanks again for taking a lookie - I promise to post at least a new content weekly if not more frequently
