My first Heresy Era army is my Death Guard (couple of pics in this post), made mainly from Rogue Trader era figures, this was due to severe lack of funds and a eagerness to be involved in the legendary TemplarCrusade01 Great Crsuade campaign (If unaware of it, get on search for it on youtube - hours upon hours of epicness!). Sadly, due to lack of opponents and never having the time off work to travel to the big meet ups, I had to pull out and so the Death Guard have been packed away - only once in a blue moon do they resurface and usually then I have to play Loyalist... boo!!!
Anyway back to the present, with a Third War of Armageddon Campaign about to begin at Iron Forest (Will go into more detail in future posts) and our armies amassed and painted, a couple of us was already looking all misty eyed at the next endeavour - The Horus Heresy.
Now this should of been a pretty easy and inexpensive project, I already had an army - probably only needing to add a couple of new units here and there. But that contagious enthusiasm of planning a new army had bitten - no longer was i content on dusting off Mortarion and his crew and a few clicks of a mouse later i was plotting my new force... traitor of course :P
The Army thus far... |
1) They look badass - skulls and lightening bolts? Hell Yeah!
2) Because of the lightening, scares a few people away with the daunting prospect of all that free hand work - so they are not a common sight on the tabletop - which appeals to me.
3) So far in the Horus Heresy novel series, they are hardly mentioned, this mysterious nature also appeals to me.
4) I love armies in 40k that have a multiple deployment options: Deep Strike, infiltrate, Outflank.
5) I have this dream army which comes onto the board entirely in dropships - Night Lords suit this perfectly.
Elements of a Terror Squad |
Elements of a Tactical Squad |
This one is a bit of a "for the fluff" unit. Its an out of production kit from Ground Zero Games (But I have been told Daemonscape have since bought the moulds) that is proxying as a Grav Attack; a old Rogue Trader vehicle that has never had a official model - Using the home-grown rules created for the Great Crusade campaign, i added smoke and havoc launchers that I had lying around - also added bits of lascannon as engine detailing to make it fit the 40k aesthetic better.
Cataphracti Terminators |
Now the following stuff were gifts for Christmas from my family and friends. First up are some Cataphracti Terminators - nothing custom just straight from the pack.
and lastly are some assault legionaries - again nothing fancy - some of them have upgrades from the special weapon upgrade pack...
So there you have it - that is where I am up to at the moment. I have still got more to paint - 15x Assault Marines, a Deathstorm Drop Pod and Konrad himself - will post when I have made more progress.
Thanks for your time - cya soon :)
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