Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Production Line: Heresy Era Night Lords

As mentioned in earlier posts, I have a bit of a soft spot for the Horus Heresy. Despite my love/hate relationship with 40k which yo-yo'ed more than Maradona's waistline,  my fondness for the Age of Darkness has been my anchor into all things grim dark.

My first Heresy Era army is my Death Guard (couple of pics in this post), made mainly from Rogue Trader era figures, this was due to severe lack of funds and a eagerness to be involved in the legendary TemplarCrusade01 Great Crsuade campaign (If  unaware of it, get on search for it on youtube - hours upon hours of epicness!). Sadly, due to lack of opponents and never having the time off work to travel to the big meet ups, I had to pull out and so the Death Guard have been packed away - only once in a blue moon do they resurface and usually then I have to play Loyalist... boo!!!

Anyway back to the present, with a Third War of Armageddon Campaign about to begin at Iron Forest (Will go into more detail in future posts) and our armies amassed and painted, a couple of us was already looking all misty eyed at the next endeavour - The Horus Heresy.

Now this should of been a pretty easy and inexpensive project, I already had an army - probably only needing to add a couple of new units here and there. But that contagious enthusiasm of planning a new army had bitten - no longer was i content on dusting off Mortarion and his crew and a few clicks of a mouse later i was plotting my new force... traitor of course :P

The Army thus far...
So why Night Lords? Well quite a few reasons really....

1) They look badass - skulls and lightening bolts? Hell Yeah!
2) Because of the lightening, scares a few people away with the daunting prospect of all that free hand work - so they are not a common sight on the tabletop - which appeals to me.
3) So far in the Horus Heresy novel series, they are hardly mentioned, this mysterious nature also appeals to me.
4) I love armies in 40k that have a multiple deployment options: Deep Strike, infiltrate, Outflank.
5) I have this dream army which comes onto the board entirely in dropships - Night Lords suit this perfectly.

Elements of a Terror Squad
So with a plan formed - I began to get to work. Now I started in October 2014 and with Christmas looming with a nearly 2 year old son i knew i was not going to have the funds straight away. So I dug into my gaming shed and set to work in kitbashing some core units. The first was a Terror Squad; made from a second hand parts I had traded with a friend, Chaos Space Marine Raptors and spare back packs from Anvil Industrys that I had used from a Iron Warriors project.

Elements of a Tactical Squad
Next up is a standard tactical squad. These were kitbashed from a normal 40k tactical squad kit with the imperial heraldry filed off. Than adding some bits from Blood Angels/ Dark Angels and Black Templar sprues - with a few more traded heresy bitz thrown in for good measure. All in all paid just udner £30 for this 10 man unit - not bad if I do say :P

This one is a bit of a "for the fluff" unit. Its an out of production kit from Ground Zero Games (But I have been told Daemonscape have since bought the moulds) that is proxying as a Grav Attack; a old Rogue Trader vehicle that has never had a official model - Using the home-grown rules created for the Great Crusade campaign, i added smoke and havoc launchers that I had lying around - also added bits of lascannon as engine detailing to make it fit the 40k aesthetic better.

Cataphracti Terminators

Now the following stuff were gifts for Christmas from my family and friends. First up are some Cataphracti Terminators - nothing custom just straight from the pack.

and lastly are some assault legionaries - again nothing fancy - some of them have upgrades from the special weapon upgrade pack...

So there you have it - that is where I am up to at the moment. I have still got more to paint - 15x Assault Marines, a Deathstorm Drop Pod and Konrad himself - will post when I have made more progress.

Thanks for your time - cya soon :)

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