Monday, 26 January 2015

Rules Tinkering: Deadzone to Horus Heresy

Deadzone is a sci fi skirmish/board game by Mantic Games and I admit that I have been aware of its existence since its Kickstarter but have only recently decided to take the plunge. Mainly due to the news of the next edition of Warpath (kickstarter due late 2015) and its return to its mass battles roots of its alpha/beta and 1st Edition.

You see, ever since I have clapped eyes on their Enforcer range - I have been trying my hardest to find a excuse to start an army of these. With Deadzone I get the instant gratification of only needing a handful of Enforcers to get going and can "slow burn" a larger force while enjoying the skirmish action. Also I discovered it only needed a 2x2ft playing surface and generally games only lasting an hour - perfect for gaming days at Iron Forest :) .

Getting to grips with the rules
Now after a few trial games (with a lil help from my girlfriend) I can say that I am generally impressed with the game. It plays fast and fluidly - The option of aimed firing (At a model) or blazing away in suppressive fire (At the square they inhabit) is genius and the inclusion of "instant" card abilities keeps the game unpredictable and fun where the odds can change very rapidly. So if your reading this and are considering Deadzone - I highly recommend it.

Enforcers take aim at a charging Stage 2a

But this isn't a review - as the title reads - I like to tinker/mod rule systems. Why learn another new system if one your comfortable with can be taxed into service? While I been playing/learning Deadzone, I have discovered that this system is a bit of a hidden gem and can be easily and quickly tinkered to fit all manner of themes/periods.

Horus Heresy

Since this blog is new - let it be known i am a HUGE fan of the Horus Heresy, but as much as I love all things 30k, my bank account doesn't...

Now instead of having to patiently buy units in expensive blocks of 5 but unable to use them till they become 10 and then still unable to use them till you have another 3+ blocks of 10 and then wait till your similarly poor friend to yourself tries to do likewise - why not have a bit of instant skirmish action! With just one of those premium blocks of 5!

Pre Heresy Death Guard by Myself
Now I am sure I am stating the obvious when I say there is a more than slight resemblance to Enforcers and Space Marines - but lets nor sneer, instead lets be delighted that Mantic have made our work a lot easier for us. Here is a rough quick conversion

  • Enforcer - Space Marine w/ Boltgun
  • Assault Enforcer - Assault Space Marine w/ Boltgun and chain weapon
  • Enforcer Defender - Breacher Space Marine w/ Boltgun
  • Enforcer Medic - Apothecary
  • Enforcer w/ Fusion Gun - Space Marine w/ Plasma Gun
  • Enforcer w/ Thermal Rifle - Space Marine w/ Melagun
  • Enforcer Sniper - Recon Marine
  • Pathfinder - Scout Armour Sniper
  • Peacekeepers - Terminators
  • Recon Drone - Servo Skulls
Converted Nathanial Garro

Now with a bit more tinkering (which I will share in future posts) we could easily make the stats fit marines more closely - maybe lose Jump Packs (except for assault marines) and change for Tough? To represent the post human nature of a marine while a Enforcer is a mere mortal in a awesome suit? 

Maybe add force wide traits to capture the feel of each legion? Like World Eaters gaining Rampage or Alpha Legion officers getting Own Agenda? 

As you can see Deadzone can easily be played about with to suit your own needs - In the future I will be posting my take on Heresy era statistic and rules mods (as well as other sci-fi/ historical themes) - If you have an ideas or thoughts please feel free to share - nothing better than bouncing ideas :)

Thanks for your time - cya soon ;)

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