Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Production Line: Multi Setting Resistance fighters

While these models are being painted for a project of mine, they are not actually mine. These are destined to belong to fellow Iron Forester Phil, they are a mix of Volkstrum and French Resistance models from West Wind Productions Berlin or Bust range.

Instead of painting to a guide or making up my own colour scheme - I was given a brief - to paint a force that could be used for Bolt Action, Very British Civil War and the Back and Beyond. Now this was a pretty cool challenge and I quickly went to work.

The plan was to keep to neutral civilian colours, plenty of brown greys, drabs and off whites. To add interest I included the colours blue and red as spot colours - this was to give a more military vibe to them or some form of militant organisation.

The plan with these figures is that for Bolt Action they can act as French Resistance, with the blue and reds clearly some form of Patriotic display.


For the Very British Civil War, the same markings of blue helps identify them as militia for the Angelican League.

Lastly they can be used for the Back and Beyond, as Militia for the White Army or Mercenaries or even European interventionists. Which brings us to "my project". It is a game system set in the Back and Beyond but its a role-play campaign game which I am calling "Hi-jinks". I wont go in to too much detail for now but its got more in common with Kriegspiel or Inquisitor than traditional wargaming and is a hark back to old school gaming. The next post will be a battle report from a playtest session at Iron Forest Games where I will explain more. 

Thanks for your time - cya soon :)

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