After a the club being closed last week (Son's birthday), have been chomping at the bit to get my game on - sunday did not come round quick enough. Sadly Johnno was away in the Netherlands and Jason was tied up too which meant club had to be opened late due to me catching minimal sleep from the night shift prior.
But Sunday did come and late Iron Forest Games did open. Luckily we all had pre arranged what we was all doing and got stuck in straight away.
Me and Phil sat down to a game of 40k, for the clubs Armageddon Campaign - I was playing Ork led by Orkimedes and Phil was playing Imperial Guard (Not Astra Cappalatte) Ork Hunters led by Colonel Peritnax.
We was playing standard Maelstrom of war - but on a 4ftx4ft so objectives 5 and 6 was removed. I had deployed first - My plan was to soften up the squishy humans before my combat units got stuck in as Phil's Ork Hunters had ALOT of flamers and I didn't fancy my chances charging these units when they were at full strength!
Phil went first and but I managed to come out the first turn pretty much unscathed, thinking luck was with me I moved my looted wagon and fired its killkannon at the unit occupying the ruin on the right hand side of his deployment zone, I scoured a direct hit but lucky cover saves on saw inflict minimal casualties.
Mean while my Killa Kans, Orkimedes and Mega Nobz retinue and Cyborks moved ahead, hoping to claim objectives 4 and 1. By the end of my turn I luckily scored 2 VPs for holding objective 4, a early lead for me :).
Phil returned fire - reducing my Trukk to swiss cheese, not a major loss but was hoping it was of thinned down its opposing unit a bit and shake some fire off my Cyborks and Orkimedes. More fire came my way, my looted wagon lost 2 hull points and one of my killa kans loss a hull point - not terrible but could spell disaster in turns to come.
My Dakajet soured down from reserve, managing to immobilise the Chimera - was hoping at least knocking it down 2 hull points! Meanwhile my Cyborks and Orkimedes climbed to the top floor of the ruin, ready to charge the Ork Hunters on the next rooftop on the next turn. While my Killa Kans moved forward but failed there charge on the unit on the right hand ruins.
And now this is where it all went wrong. Phil called in his Vendetta with Veterans oboard. Joint cross fire from a infantry unit and the ork hunters whittled the Cyborks down to one single ork while more Orkimedes was reduced to molten slag by the Vendetta strafing the rooftops with its 3 twin linked lascannon! Meanwhile some good shooting from the two infantry units in the ruins on his deployment zone destroyed 2 of the 3 Kans! DISASTER!!!
I managed to keep some face, with my Dakajet putting in some casualties on the Ork Hunters, My looted wagon pretty much vaporising a conscript platoon and killa kan wiping out a infantry team but Phil had his counter attack already planned...
His vendetta zeroed in on my Looted Wagon which with only 1 hull point remaining didnt stand a chance against that amount of lascannon fire! My remaining Cybork got into combat with the Ork Hunters, killing his sergeant but the rest of the unit sure enough brought him down.
And my favourite moment of the battle. His Veterans disembarked from the Vendetta and poised ready to throw demolition charges into my Boyz that occupied the ruins in my deployment zone. Luckily for me they scattered back onto the Veterans - inflicting major casualties - what a stroke of luck!!!
The last turn of the game was rather a disapointing (but by no means any less fun) affair for the Orks... me. My remaining Killa Kan finally got brought down while me Dakajet was strafed out the sky by some pretty amazing shooting from the Ork Hunters. The game ended at turn 5. which the Score 7-4 to Phil - a bloody good game!
Meanwhile on the next board, Brad and Tony where well stuck into a game of Bolt Action. Brad was using US Army vs Tony's Russians in a very lethal "training exercise".
While as usual I didnt follow it closely enough to make a report, I did manage to take a few snaps here and there!
I was told the pic below captured there favourite moment of the game, when Brad's US infantry overrun Tony's HMG team - and with a bit of house ruling, turned the gun back onto the Russians!
Lastly I had a game of Infinity with Faction Ray - a very fast and very brutal game...
The game used alot of the new scenery (yet unpainted) which I will show in more in depth in a later post. The Scenario was to capture Nodes by hacking them. We both was playing Pan Oceania and was a 200pt game.
The game lasted three turns. The main action of the game was a duel between Ray's Tag and my sniper. After a furious exchange of fire and some excellent fixing from Ray's Engineer to keep it in the scrum, my sniper managed to come out trumps and brought it down! Meanwhile Ray sneakily pushed his fusilier forward and managed to successfully hack a terminal!
While I dropped down a Sikh commando, killing two and putting Ray's forces into retreat - the game ended 1-0 to Ray.
Even though I lost both games they were damn enjoyable - I managed to dish it out enough to be satisfied with my performance but I do think its time for the Orks to get some reinforcements...
Thanks for your time, cya soon ;)
All boards and terrain look amazing! xxx