Since the beginning of 2014, I had made myself a promise - not to start any new wargames till all the minis I own for the systems I play are fully painted - and so far I managed to keep to that promised - that's until I heard about Beyond the Gates of Antares by Warlord Games...
So what made me break my promise?
Was it the cool mass effect style aesthetics?
Was it that it was based on Bolt Action?
Was it that it was being written by non other than Rick Priestly?
Not only was it all the above, but actually the biggest draw is the amazing community that is already backing this game. You can find it here on facebook. Never have I witnessed such a close, supportive community and never have I seen the author take such an active role - Rick and the Warlord guys really need to commended in making the GoA community invovled in the games growth. A lot of other companies should be taking notes - as someone who wants to break into this industry - I am! lol.
So promises broken, I acquired myself a small Algoryn force - mainly because they remind me of Turians from Mass Effect. And once reading the background, and learning about there marital society, they are defo my faction of choice!
There cool, mandalorian-esque visors and high collars gave me this kind of sinister feel so when I was thinking of a colour scheme - that is the tone I wanted to capture.
Excuse the quality of these pictures as I had to put the flash on as normal lighting wasn't capturing the detail but this in turn reflected off the varnish - so trust me - they look better in person :P
I have always wanted a black/ stealth coloured army but always had trouble in creating tone and depth to the black. While I think I still haven't quite cracked it yet, this is my best effort to date. This was done by drybrushing GW dawnstone onto a black basecoat and washing with nuln oil. Once dry I drybrushed dawnstone again but this time on to the more raised areas, in a almost zenith process and washed again with nuln oil.
The Red areas are Khorne Red, washed with Agrax Earthsade.
The visors are Nihilakh Oxide and the skin is Vallejo 886 Green Grey, washed with Agrax.
I still have three "buddy" drones left to paint and then I shall be purchasing some reinforcements (After some Napoleonics, Dreadball Xtreme and Bolt Action Fallshirmjager are done!). I heard recently there is to be a special Gates of Antares open day at Warlord HQ this year, so am hoping to be able to attend and take this force with me. If I do go, I will be sure to return with some pics :)
Thanks for your time, cya soon ;)
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