Thursday, 5 February 2015

Production Line: Warlord US Infantry, Sherman and Panzer IV H

For anyone who has been following this amateur outfit of a blog would know that I have recently fallen in love with Bolt Action. I have never come across a rule-set that I have grasped so easily and effortlessly - mainly I think that the author was quite ingenious and made a rule-set that us 40k generation can move into without major teething pains.
The other reason is that this is the first historical game that my club; Iron Forest Games have got into with genuine enthusiasm. Now don't get me wrong, I love my sci-fi and fantasy gaming but historical s do scratch a very certain itch and am thankful it now has the chance to be given a proper scratch :P

So at the moment I am getting through the D-Day Firefight Starter Set, which at the moment they are chucking either a free sherman or panzer IV on top!

First up is my first batch of US Infantry; this was given a spray of black primer and basecoated following a guide I found for Flames of War. Once base-coated was given a wash of Agrax Earthsade and done!

This is the second batch (the third not pictured where 3 support teams but painted in the same manner) where painted exactly as mentioned above except they were primed with Plastic Soldiers Company's US Olive Drab War Spray. This sped up the painting time loads and made a quick job even quicker :). All thats left on the infantry is to base and find decals for the 1st Infantry Division which these chaps shall portray in a upcoming campaign at Iron Forest.

This Panzer IV Ausf. H was actually primed in US Olive Drab (The Horror!!!) as I am a cheap skate and after weathering and washing, the colours in my eyes seem to match (note I am partially colour blind). Again this isn't 100% finished - decals and extra weathering are still to be added.

Lastly is the Sherman - this isn't from Warlord but something I picked up many winters ago from Westwind Productions. Was in a pretty sorry state (my fault - let a six year old unleash its artistic works upon it) but after a quick lick of Lorian Forest, than a shade wash into the recesses with Agrax Earthshade and a quick bit of weathering - looks ready for war again :)

The Germans from the starter set are being painted as I type this by my brother in law Jason and will be sharing pics of them soon. Also am working on a battle mat for bolt action and will be posting an article on how I did it in the next few days.

Thanks for your time - cya soon ;)

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